About Dr. Levine’s

Professional Life

Dr. Robert A. Levine presently has clinical teaching appointments in post-graduate periodontics and dental implantology at the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry, the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine.

He founded and was director of Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics for more than 35 years at the Einstein Center One Building in Philadelphia, PA. At this full-time practice he focused on surgical implant placement, cosmetic oral plastic surgery procedures and reconstructive and regenerative therapy. He is past chairman of the Division of Periodontics at Albert Einstein Medical Center (1984-2003) and past clinical associate professor of periodontics in the post-graduate department of periodontics, periodontal prosthesis, and implantology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine (1984-2010).

Dr. Levine is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, a Fellow of the College of Physicians in Philadelphia, President, and Fellow of the International Society of Periodontal Plastic Surgeons (2022-present), a Fellow, Diplomate and, currently, a board of director member for the Academy of Osseointegration (2022-present). He has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally and has been featured on several local and national television and radio shows discussing dental implant therapy, smile makeovers, reconstructive periodontal therapy, and the link between periodontal disease and systemic diseases.

Dr. Levine currently serves or has served on the editorial boards and/or as reviewer for numerous international scientific dental journals including Journal of Periodontology, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, the Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, International Journal of Oral Implantology and Inside Dentistry. He has authored more than 100 scientific articles and five book chapters on periodontics, periodontal and regenerative surgical procedures, oral plastic surgery, and dental implants. He is a fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) of Basel, Switzerland (1997) and was one of 100 representatives from around the world invited to participate in the ITI 4th Consensus Conference in Stuttgart, Germany (2008), the 5th Consensus Conference in Bern, Switzerland (2013), the 6th Consensus Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands (2017), and the 7th Consensus Conference in Lisbon, Portugal (2023) to establish treatment protocols for implant dentistry worldwide. In June 2010, he was honored as the distinguished speaker at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Periodontology’s 13th Annual Straumann Lecture Series on Dental Implants and was again chosen as the guest lecturer in October 2011 for the 1st Annual Straumann Distinguished Speaker Lecture by the Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry. Dr. Levine was honored to run and organize annually thereafter The Straumann Distinguished Speaker Lecture at Temple University (2012-2019) up to the pandemic in 2020. He was one of the featured speakers at Temple University School of Dentistry’s 160th Anniversary Lecture in 2023.

In 2010, Dr. Levine was inducted into Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry’s Gallery of Success. He is past president of Kornberg’s Alumni Association (2014-2016) and was a member of the Temple University’s board of directors, directors-at-large, and community service committee representing all 17 colleges under the University. Dr. Levine was chosen by his peers as “Top Doc in Periodontics” in Philadelphia Magazine (2010 thru 2023).

Dr. Levine is president, founder and program chairman of the Northeast Philadelphia Dental Implant and Perio-Prosthesis Study Club (1984-2018) which provided cutting-edge continuing education courses to the area’s dental community. In 2009, he founded and is co-program director for the Greater Philadelphia Dental Hygiene Study Club, committed to advancing the professional careers of dental hygienists and assistants through educational courses.

Since 2007, Dr. Levine has been director and program chairman of the Philadelphia Tri-State Study Club, one of the original six ITI study clubs in the United States. One of the pioneers of the “immediate load” revolution in dental implants, Dr. Levine is one of only a handful of periodontists nationwide who have been performing this procedure since 1994. His SameDay Smile® concept allows patients to complete an implant surgery and leave the dental chair with beautiful, functional teeth in a single visit. Additionally, Dr. Levine was a leader in performing the All-On-4™ treatment option, providing the immediate benefits of fewer implants, less surgery, lower costs, and reduced healing time for patients.

 Dr. Levine’s travels have taken him to  Kornberg School of Dentistry at Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, University of North Carolina, University of Illinois at Chicago, Nova Southeastern University (Ft. Lauderdale), University of Florida (Gainesville), University of Oregon (Portland), Indiana University (Indianapolis), Harvard University (Boston), New York University (New York), Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston), Augusta University (Georgia), University of Pittsburgh, University of Minnesota, University of Louisville, Tufts University, University of Iowa, University of Rochester, East Carolina University, West Virginia University, University of Kentucky, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, the University of Bern (Bern, Switzerland) as well as Lackland and Wright-Patterson Air Force bases. During the pandemic he was able to reach many additional schools via Zoom seminars to post-graduate periodontal and prosthetic residency programs supported by Geistlich NA.